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Access the Memorial :

23 Route du Mazet, 43400 Le Chambon-sur-Lignon.Le Lieu de Mémoire au Chambon-sur-Lignon-24

The Memorial is located next tot the primary school, in front of the temple.

– By car :

From Le Puy-en-Velay : 43km, 50 minutes  /  From Saint-Etienne : 63km, 1h  /  From Lyon : 120km, 2h  /  From Valence : 71km, 1h30

– By train :

SNCF trains stations in Puy-en-Velay and Saint-Etienne.

Bus connections.

By plane :

Airports Puy-en-Velay/Loudes, Saint-Etienne/Bouthéon and  Lyon/Saint-Exupéry.