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Lieu de Mémoire au Chambon-sur-Lignon de nuit

The museum is open from  March 1 until November 30.

Low season: from March 1 to April 30 and from October 1 to November 30: Wednesday to Saturday: 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

High season: every day except Monday, from May 1 until  September 30, : from 10:00 am to 12:30 and 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Public holiday : The Memorial is open if the day is an opening day scheduled for the season

For groups, the Memorial is open all year, by appointment.


$ 5 €

Per Month

Reduced price

$ 3 €



$ 3,50 €

(minimum 10 people)

Guided tour package

$ 30 €

Per Month

School price

$ 2 €

per student and per activity

Free for children under 10

For information about accomodation and restaurants :