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The academic committee approved the concept of a « history trail » through the museum, and monitored the accuracy and authenticity of the exhibition.

01Patrick CABANEL is professor of Modern History at the University of Toulouse-le Mirail. He is also a specialist in the history of Protestantism, and is the author of numerous books on the history of Protestantism and  the Righteous.

06Martin de FRAMOND is an archivist and expert in old, handwritten documents. He is also Director of the Departmental Archives of the Haute-Loire. He has published numerous books of history of the Haute-Loire .

02Philippe JOUTARD, Former Regional Director of Education, is a Professor at EHESS (School of Higher Studies in Social Sciences), specialising in the Protestantism of the Cevennes.

05Olivier LALIEU is the Director of external projects at the Holocaust Memorial in Paris.

03Jacques SEMELIN  is  a Research Director at CNRS ( National Centre for Scientific Research) and a specialist in civilian Resistance against genocide.

04Annette WIEVIORKA  is a Research Director at CNRS and author of numerous books about the Holocaust.